Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 9- Article of the Week

Articles of the Week
  • Every week, your group will read and annotate an article in one of the two online magazines.
  • Your group will create a well-organized and visually pleasing website with the following information:
  1. The title of the article
  2. Your opinion about the article's topic
  3. An image from or about the topic
  4. A summary of the main ideas and important details
  5. Three additional resources
My school subscribes to Junior Scholastic and Upfront magazines from Scholastic for $8-10 per issue per year. In addition to the physical magazine copies, Scholastic does online versions which students can access from home or school computers. The online versions have some annotation capabilities so students can highlight important information from the articles. In addition, the online magazines have links and videos embedded for expanded study and quizzes.

We did a model reading and summary together, highlighting important information and combining main ideas with important details for a summary in our own words. We came up with a good title and formed an opinion which turned into our tagline. Next, each group will choose a different article and repeat the process of reading, highlighting, and summarizing for their chosen article.

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